√ Supports essential methylation reactions to promote cardiovascular, neural and emotional health with Metafolin® L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5-MTHF), the naturally occurring, universally metabolized form of folate, and activated B vitamins*
Optimal levels of B vitamins have been associated with neurological and psychological health*
√ Maintains healthy nervous system function and comfort*
In a randomized controlled study, benfotiamine supported healthy nerve conduction velocity and nerve comfort*
In another trial, a combination of L-5-MTHF, methylcobalamin and pyridoxal 5’ phosphate promoted healthy epidermal nerve fiber density and nerve comfort*
√ Promotes cardiovascular health, including endothelial function and methionine metabolism*
Enhances healthy endothelial function, vascular dilation and nitric oxide status with L-5-MTHF and benfotiamine*
Supports healthy homocysteine metabolism with the key cofactors folate, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6*