Traditionally the herbs in LivoClear have been used to support and maintain healthy liver function and reduce oxidative stress. LivoClear is a combination of ayurvedic herbs and Chinese herbs shown to promote the removal of toxins by supporting the healthy activity of detoxification enzymes within the liver and throughout the body. LivoClear encourages cellular and hepatic detoxification and may promote healthy liver function and protection from metabolic dysfunction exacerbated by poor lifestyle habits and exposure to toxins. *
Serving Size: 2 capsules
Phyllanthus Niruri 200mg
Picrorhiza Kurroa 300mg
Andrographis Paniculata 300mcg
Holarrhena Antidysenterica 200mg
Suggested Use: Adults: 1 to 2 capsules twice daily (before food) or as directed. Children: Half of the adult dose. Maintenance dose: 1 capsule twice daily. Cautions: none listed. Essential Co-Prescription with Hepato-Toxic Drugs such as: Such as: Antibiotics, Hypotensives, Oral Hypoglycemics, Analgesics, Uinolones, Anti-Tuberculous.