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May help the body to naturally eliminate parasites* Supports healthy balance of intestinal flora* Helps promote healthy gut mucosa* Assist in modulating healthy intestinal tone*
  • Size:   100 x 500 mg Capsules
  • Manufacturer:   PANAXEA
  • Stock status:   10
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Panaxea’s Gut Bug is a powerful formulation of herbs that may assist with Gut health by supporting anthelmintic actions. Gut Bug may help protect the gut mucosal through modulation of gastric juices and relaxing the intestinal muscular tone and regulating peristalsis. Gut Bug is designed to help clear parasitic invasion and support a healthy balance of intestinal bacteria.*

Serving Size: 3 capsules Radix Sophorae Flavescentis 150mg Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson 135mg Caulis Sargentodoxae 60mg Radix Stemonae 150mg Semen Arecae Catechu 150mg Fructus Quisqualis Indicae 150mg Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis 45mg Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 135mg Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 75mg Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 120mg Semen Dolichoris Lablab 120mg Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 135mg Radix Aucklandiae Lappae 75mg
3 capsules before bed and in morning on empty stomach. 1 capsule 2x daily for maintenance.