ARTICHOKE Plant known for choleretic action promotes liver function.
DANDELION Plant with diuretic properties, depurative, and choleretic able to promote bile secretion.
COMBRETO A Plant known for its detoxifying properties and for its cholagogue and choleretic effectiveness.
MILK THISTLE It protects liver cells from toxic agents.
CHINESE RHUBARB It contains two classes of substances that have a strong action against the intestinal tract: the first class is tannins that exert a mild constipating action when the drug dose assumed is low, and the second class is antraglicosidi that releases anthraquinone that gives a modulated laxative effect.
CRISANTELLO Exerts hepatoprotective action as it protects the hepatocytes from various metabolic toxins and is more active against ethyl alcohol. The plant flavonoids participating in maintaining the integrity and function of the anti-toxic function biligenetica. -production of bile (conjugated bilirubin, bile salts, cholesterol) protecting the body from the destructive free radicals.
BOLDO It possesses choleretic and cholagogue properties, it facilitates renal elimination and that of digestive functions. In particular, Boldin, an alkaloid found in boldo, exerts an elective action on the biliary secretion and that of the bile fluidity giving away to a consequent laxative effect.
ESSENTIAL OILS OF MINT AND ROSEMARY Exert an antimicrobial activity and gastric mucosal stimulation by facilitating digestion, act directly on the smooth muscle by reducing spasms and improving the functionality of the hollow organs. Rosemary has a specific action on the gall bladder and bile production.
TURMERIC The turmeric extract has digestive properties and it can reduce abnormal blood levels of liver enzymes (transaminases) due to damage induced by drugs. It supports the collection and elimination from the bile.
BLACK RADISH Its root is rich in minerals, such as iron, potassium, and fiber, it’s well known for its choleretic action.
BARBERRY It is traditionally used for its purifying action, being a stimulant of the liver and bile.