ArthClear was designed and formulated by Dr. Daniel Weber, using traditional herbs, nutraceuticals and vitamins formulated to support bone and joint health and repair, and modulate a healthy inflammatory response. Daniel writes this about OA;
'OA is often seen as a disease of ageing. Oxidative stress, insulin resistance and stress hormones all contribute to OA increase with age. The ageing process exemplifies the cumulative result of free-radical damage to cells, tissues and organs. The body has built-in mechanisms for counteracting free radicals but, unfortunately, the ageing process and disease gradually overwhelm the antioxidant defense reaction. Fortunately, some vitamins, minerals, herbs and their compounds such as phonemics, flavanoids and carotenoids, may help scavenge or neutralize free radicals. Curcuminoids, for example, may merge with these potential radical molecules and thus may help prevent free-radical formation.’ Daniel Weber, PHD MSC