Did You Know? Vitamin C Neutralizes Chlorine

Did You Know? Vitamin C Neutralizes Chlorine

Swimming is a great source of exercise. Doing laps offers the full package of a full body workout and cardio. While working out in water has its benefits, the drawback comes from exposure to the chlorine used to clean and sanitize pools. It not only has a distinct unpleasant smell that lingers, but it can dry out skin and cause itching and in cases of overexposure it can cause rash. 

In a recent conversation, one of our clients, Suzanne, brought up the chlorine neutralizing effects of vitamin C. She said she uses our Alka-C Powder diluted with water to neutralize the effects of chlorine after swimming.

Suzanne said she'd discovered the unique use for Alka-C when she was searching for a replacement for another chlorine neutralizing spray she could no longer get. She saw vitamin C was the key neutralizing ingredient in that spray. She just happened to have some Alka-C, and she made her own solution using a teaspoon of the vitamin C powder diluted in approximately a pint of water. Suzanne who swims regularly said it has worked well to reduce the chlorine smell and to keep her skin from itching.

In 2005, the U.S. Department of Agriculture released a report showing vitamin C as a viable and safe chlorine neutralizing alternative to sulfur-based chemicals. Since then the word has spread to the swimming community. 

More and more people are discovering the neutralizing effects of vitamin C on chlorine. An article in Dr. Green Mom touts the effects and offers tips for how to make and use a solution. Good thing we know where to get high quality vitamin C. 

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These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Land, B. (2005). Using Vitamin C to Neutralize Chlorine in Water Systems. Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture. https://www.fs.usda.gov/t-d/pubs/html/05231301/05231301.html#:~:text=Two%20forms%20of%20vitamin%20C,levels%20used%20for%20dechlorinating%20water.

Mayer, A. (n.d.). How to Minimize Chlorine Exposure + a DIY Chlorine Neutralizing Skin Spray. Dr. Green Mom; A Doctor's Vision, A Mom's Love. https://drgreenmom.com/how-to-minimize-chlorine-exposure/

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